My child/students need to work on...
Pick a SubjectHoward B. Wigglebottom Learns
Click to downloadAnimations, Songs, and more
- Being a better listener
- Follow your heart and do your best
- How to deal
with bullying - Making the most
of things - Managing anger
- Telling the truth
- The benefits and importance of sharing
- Follow food and screen watching rules
- Belonging, special needs
- Fair play, teamwork & winning isn't everything
- Fear and courage
- Trust is earned, it's OK to say no and "stranger danger"
- Manners do matter
- Get along
with others - Loss of pet or
loved one X
Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns
Too Much of a Good Thing is Bad:
A Story About Moderation
Click to downloadAnimations, Songs, and moreLessons can be downloaded for free.
*All 15 Howard B. Wigglebottom stories and lessons
have listening as a main or minor theme.